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Let's have a look at this page. You can learn digital marketing for free from here.Here you will learn about Digital Marketing , Content Marketing ,Affiliate Marketing , Social Media Marketing , Pay Per Click , SEO ,SEM and more.You have to click on the link and start learnig from basics.

Digital Marketing

Content Marketing

Affiliate Marketing

Pay Per Click


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Examples to work on

You can make youtube videos or start blogging on these topics. You can Make a channel and make videos on any topic you want examples- Movie Reviews ,Upcoming Movies etc.


Most Played outdoor Games

Haow to earn money from youtube

  1. Go To Youtube
  2. Create a Channel
  3. .........

My first color chart

Name Roll No. Mobile No.
Rahul 7 7584735893
Rohit 8 7585949547
Bhoora 9 73498579843